Error message
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Annette Arlander
Annette Arlander
Annette Arlander (born 1956) is a pioneer of Finnish performance art and practice-based artistic research. After working as a director for many years, she now works mainly with research and performance projects of her own. Annette Arlander is Professor of Performance art and Theory at the Theatre Academy in Helsinki.
Stef Lernous
Stef Lernous
Stef Lernous studied fine arts at the Hogeschool Sint-Lukas in Brussels. He directed for the De Maan figure theatre. Since 1999 Stef Lernous has been one of the driving forces behind the Abattoir Fermé theatre company in Mechelen. The company's work is often based on outsiders, dissidents, science-fiction writers and voices from the counterculture. Stef Lernous adapts, samples and contextualises stimuli from cinema, documentaries, journalism, psychiatry, art brut, comic books a.o.
Hans Rønne
Hans Rønne
Hans Rønne began his theatre carreer in 1979 as conscientious objector at Kaskadeteatret in Aarhus. In 1989 he founded ”Teatret” together with his wife and collaboration partner, set designer Gitte Baastrup, to work in his very own, personal, physical style. Since then he has created, acted in and directed a great number of performances of which several have been awarded, and many of them have toured all over the world.
Jerome Bel
Jerome Bel
Jérôme Bel (born 1964) started choreographing in 1994 and has become one of the leading figures in the movement of non-dance. He provokes and entertains audiences with concepts that challenge the conventions of performance. Bel’s performances have toured all over the world.
Laurent Chétouane
Laurent Chétouane
Living in Germany, the French director Laurent Chétouane (b. 1973) is a representative of puristic works of theatre with a strong focus on language. One of the most important young directors in Germany, he stages both new and classical drama. In 2010 he directed Ibsen's "A Doll's House" at the Norwegian National Theatre in Oslo.
Wayn Traub
Wayn Traub (born 1972) is a director, filmmaker, choreographer and performer. In the late nineties he published his Manifesto for an Animal and Ritual Theatre, and his creative work is characterized by the desire to explore a modern ritual theatre. He uses text, music, narrative, set and film to produce a polyphonic whole. In 2012, Traub stopped making theatre performances and turned his focus to multimedia works.
Jan Fabre
Jan Fabre
Jan Fabre (born 1958) began his career in 1980 as director and stage designer. He made a clean break with the conventions of contemporary theatre by introducing the concept of real-time performance. The body in all its forms has been the subject of his investigations since the early 1980s. The name of Jan Fabre’s company, Troubleyn, means ‘remaining faithful’.
Kirsten Delholm
Kirsten Dehlholm
Kirsten Dehlholm (born 1945) founded her performance theatre company Hotel Pro Forma in 1985. Originally a visual artist, she takes her starting point in a space or a theme through which she investigates the world. She o en chooses as performers people who have certain characteristics or skills, and she regularly includes objects and actions that are not normally associated with performing arts. Her performances have toured extensively all over the world.